Friday 25 July 2014


Last visit of July this afternoon. It's been a fruitful month. Loads of courgettes, some a bit big ;), keep digging up the early potatoes, pulling up carrots, picking broad and dwarf beans, finishing off the peas, pulling up a few onions and loads of weeding and watering!

It's been pretty hot but everything seems to have coped ok. The pumpkins are coming along well as are the squashes, sweetcorn and leeks.

The extra carrots I sowed on the top allotment have germinated, hoes round them today and the Swiss chard on the bottom allotment in the bed that had the first earlies in have started too.

I weeded the strawberry beds and removed the Wondermesh as well. My mum and dad have been roped in to water and weed while we are away next week!

I'm really pleased with the new raised bed at home. I've planted it with trailing lobelia, viola, tagetes, mesembryanthemum, bell peppers, radish, carrots and some other flowers!

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