July is here and the potatoes just keep coming.
Loads of early carrots, some of the yellow onions are ready - delicious.
The red onions are coming on - pulled one up last night.
It's been a fantastic year for strawberries so far - punnet after punnet.
The leeks are doing well and my brassica bed is filling up.
I've put some Cavolfiori green cauli in a seed tray - an experiment.
Had some lovely peas and the mange tout are nearly ready.
The kids beds are taking shape - sweet peas, sunflower, lily, sweet william, lobelia, fruits, etc.
You can't beat this allotment lark - when I started last September, little did we know how expensive food and fuel was going to be so I'm really please I took the plunge and I'm keeping fit as well - I go on my bike 9 times out of 10.