Thursday 31 October 2013

31 October 2013 - Slowing down...

It's been a busy month with harvesting and then preparing for the winter slow down.

Got a decent crop mid October

Had a couple more trips on my bike this week, cleared all the beans away, the pumpkin and butternut squash plants, some of the courgette plants, the salad on the front bed of the top allotment, sorted out part of the strawberry bed on the bottom allotment, cut all the autumn raspberry canes down to ground level and done a load of weeding and digging.

The top allotment is looking a lot tidier now!:

The green manure has taken well:

View of top allotment past the trees (I've taken all the apples now):

Bottom allotment still needs some work:

It was a lovely day today, the sun was shining most of the time and I was down to shorts and t-shirt. I had taken a sandwich with me and a flask of tea!

Still got loads of carrots, parsnips, beetroot, leeks and salad to crop and I've put in some onion sets, shallots and broad beans to over winter.

Back at home the carrots in the raised bed have been fantastic - best I've ever done!

I've cleared nearly all the tomatoes out of the greenhouse now - here's the last of them: