Monday 31 March 2014

Spring forward - Saturday and Sunday

A couple of trips to the plot over the weekend. Spent some time clearing the bed at the front of the bottom plot - I may put some spuds in here. Put a couple of rows of carrots in (Nantes) one of the beds at the back of the plot.

I also dug in the green manure on the top allotment. There's some nice blossom on the Plum tree and some buds on the apple and pear so it looks like I haven't killed them!

Friday 7 March 2014

Early potatoes are in! 7 March 2014

A pleasant afternoon at the plot today. The glass on the raised bed and the manure had done it's job and the soil was a reasonable temperature. Put 18 early potatoes (Rocket - old faithful, 3 x 3 under each glass panel) in plus another two at the end of the bed under some perspex.

Also put some parnsip seed in on the top allotment, one row near the fruit trees and another next to the onion sets.

I turned over the carpet on the rest of the paths between the beds on the bottom allotment to get an instant "nearly" new effect

Back on the top allotment I chopped down the green manure - I will dig this in on a future visit.
 I went on my bike again, I had to bubble wrap the early potatoes to protect the chits!