Tuesday 28 February 2012

27 February

Started off the Sungold Tomatoes in my electric propogator in the conservatory.
Been meaning to do it for weeks!

Sunday 26 February 2012

26 February

Biked up to allotment at 08:00 - no-one there!
Concentrated on the bottom allotment this morning.
Chopped down the hungarian grazing rye and dug it in on the bed for the broad and french/dwarf beans (third bed back in photo), also weeded the carrot bed (front bed). The broad beans will be going in next weekend as there are quite tall now:

Weeded the sweetcorn and butternut squash bed (front bed) and the onion bed (rear):

Then I spent a bit of time weeding my daughter's area - quite a few docks starting here and the roots from the raspberries where everywhere! The glass has warmed up the soil nicely for the first early potatoes which will be going in next weekend.

Couldn't leave without a bag of salad for my sandwiches, mainly rocket, lambs lettuce and a few other leaves which had been protected from the frost.

A good couple of hours work!

Back home, I potted on the cabbages and some of the bell peppers and moved the sprouted peas and mangetout to the greenhouse. The rest of the peppers need potting too - time....

Saturday 18 February 2012

18 February

Went up this aftenoon for a couple of hours with youngest daughter. Picked some more sald for my sandwiches next week!

Managed to dig in all the green manure on the top allotment and also the remaining salad which was past it's best. It rained half way through and we saw another lovely rainbow but I just carried on digging with my waterproof jacket on and my daughter took shelter in the shed until it had nearly stopped.

Put some more kitchen waste in the bean trench and filled it in. Left it mounded up as I'm sure it'll rot down over next couple of months:

Top allotment looking fairly tidy now, next visit I'll have to dig in the green manure on the bottom allotment.

Looking forward to getting my first early potatoes under glass in 2 weeks time!

Monday 13 February 2012

13 February

Went up on my bike for an hour to see what how it was doing after all the snow.
I've missed going gor the last couple of weeks but couldn't do much as the soil was realy soggy!
Dug up a few parsnips and leeks, got the last of the beetroot and some salad.

Started raining and there was a lovely full double rainbow which my pictures don't do justice too as I couldn't get it all in the frame!

Picked some salad as well - amazed it survived being under snow for days.