Monday, 20 October 2008

Slowing down

Went up Sunday morning for 1 1/2 hours. Did a bit of weeding and took off all the remaining Cayenne and Bell peppers before the frost. The Cayenne have been fabulous - prolific and very hot!
I also pulled about 20 radish up, loads more to come and got my usual helping of salad leaves (standard, spicy and rocket) for my sandwiches this week.
Got plenty of raspberries but they look like they are nearing the end so I've frozen some.
The corn salad is looking good and I've put about 80 onion sets in - red and white and a bit of garlic.
The purple sprouting broccoli plants look very healthy, I just haven't had any broccoli - it might come in the spring.
I've got a couple more raised beds to construct over the winter and that will be all 8 done according to my plan.
Popped up later on Sunday with the family and we pulled a few leeks up to have this week - some of them are a good size and smelled wonderful.