Tuesday, 6 July 2010


Well July is here again and I'm actually on top of the weeds (for now!).
I've dug up 8 earlies so far - had some lovely meals. The peas are great as are the broad beans. Had a few onions too and a couple of courgettes. Everything else is growing well. The strawberries have been phenomenal this year - loads more to pick...

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

May and too cold!

It's very cold at night at the moment and there was a frost on Monday and a more severe one forecast tonight.
I have resisted planting most stuff so far but I've got plants in pots everywhere in the greenhouse and in the conservatory! Some neighbouring allotmenteers put their beans out on Sunday but I didn't risk it. I have loads of plants needing pricking out but not enough rooom. My earliest potatoes under the glass on a raised bed are doing really well and the rest of the 100 I have planted were earthed up at the weekend. I will be going up tonight to do some more earthing up.
The onions and broad beans are looking fine and I have nearly dug all the second half. I keep doing a bit and planting as I go, the latest addition was some beetroot.
Can't wait to put the tomatoes and aubergines out at home and get the peppers, courgettes, butternut squash, pumpkins, sweetcorn, beans, etc. out at the allotment.
My eldest daughter's Tulips:

Monday, 19 April 2010

April 2010

On old allotment, I now have 1 bed of Broad Beans, 1 of onions, 2 x potatoes (early and second early) and all raised beds now prepared.
On new allotment, I have started digging from back again and have done just over 1/2.
Got some more potatoes in - main crop (making 100), still 14 more to put in (somewhere!).
More onion sets are in plus some early carrots.
Loads of stuff at home, peas, mange tout, tomatoes, cabbage, brussels, aubergine, courgettes, peppers, etc.

Monday, 11 January 2010


Another decade and the plot is still covered in snow. Managed to get some leeks last Saturday in between snow showers.
These pictures were taken on 3rd Jan before the 9 inches we got last week!