Wednesday, 20 July 2011

20 July 2011

Had a trip up this evening with rain threatening. Hammered some posts in on bed 4 where my brassicas are and managed to cover them with the Wondermesh I had on the strawberries to keep the pesky Cabbage White Butterfly off. There was quite a few white fly on the underside of some of the leaves - will have to lookup some organic method to control it!
Got a load of spicy salad for me, the rabbits and the guinea pig!

Sunday, 10 July 2011

July 10th 2011

Managed 2.5 hours on the plot on Saturday. Got there 06.45. Funnily enough there was no-one else there until 7.30!
Had a 2 hour weeding session on top allotment followed by a strawberry and raspberry picking session. Got first courgette too and some more early potatoes.