Had a few hours up on the allotment, dug up the last 2 Rocket potato plants - big enough for jackets now!
Dug up a row of International Kidney, some nice sized ones for boiling and a few bigger ones. Some had a little scab on them, not sure why. Had some boiled tonight and the skins nearly dropped off. Maybe don't need to boil them for as long!
Sweetcorn is coming along great and the pumkins are swelling well.
Pulled up all the red onions I planted on bottom allotment last autumn and strung them up in the shed.
Sowed loads of rows of carrots, lettuce, spicy salad, radish, pak choi, etc. where the potatoes and onions used to be.
Got another large courgette - as usual I blinked! Cooked it in a veggie lasagne with greenhouse tomatoes, onion and cayenne pepper - delicious.