Went up to the plot in the afternoon for a change - blowing a gale!
Got some parsnips, leeks and salad plus some baby carrots and fought with some brambles that were trying to take over the manure pile on the top allotment.
Put some more garden and kitchen rubbish in the bean trench - it's filling up nicely!
Onto the bottom allotment where I cleared one of the beds that had originally had early potatoes last year followed by some salad and the baby carrots.
I covered another bed with panes of glass to warm up the soil ready for the early potatoes which will go in end Feb/early March this year.
Back at home I have cleaned some trays with Jeyes Fluid and sowed some leeks, cauliflower and sweet peas. These are now in the conservatory before they go into the greenhouse later.
I've also got the 100 potatoes chitting on some shelving in the garage.
I will have to get some more seeds going soon!
On a previous visit to the plot this month I got some more salad and some beetroot, still got a few left, the rest have been pickled.