Thursday, 31 January 2013

27 January

Went to the plot for the first time in weeks - snow stopped play.

Top allotment

Got some parsnips, leeks, celeriac and a beetroot:

Bottom allotment:

I'm forcing some rhubarb under the white bin again.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

1 January 2013

Another year over and the bill has arrived from the council for the 2 plots I rent. Hmmmm, shall I fork out just over £1 a week - you bet!

I went up this morning for a couple of hours and concentrated on the bottom plot as the raised beds meant the soil was still easy to work with even after yesterday's rain. I cleared the bed that had the peppers in and moved the chive clump into the bed with the onion sets.

Here are the beds as they are now:

Both beds empty and prepared.

Still some beetroot left.

Some rocket and radish in the front bed, some cabbage and cauliflower under the Wondermesh.

Empty bed at front, onion sets and chives at rear.