Tuesday, 29 April 2014

29 April - Wondermesh

Nipped up to get wondermesh on the cabbages

Sunday, 27 April 2014

26/27 April - peas and beans time!

Saturday afternoon bike trip with the last 20 spuds. I've put them in the front bed on the bottom allotment. My daughter's parrot tulips are looking good in their new location near the edge of this bed.

I've removed the glass panels from the first lot of early potatoes as they were too big! I've covered both beds in fleece to give a bit of protection in case of frost.

I put some red cabbage seedlings in and some green cabbage seeds. I have covered them with the glass panels for now but I think I'll get the Wondermesh on this bed to make it easier to water.

I also took the opportunity to put some peas in half of one of the front raised beds protected with sticks - I've done a mixture of seedlings from home and seeds. The back half of the bed has been planted with 5 different types of beans: 11 Dwarf - Opera, 5 Cobra, 1 Ying Yang, 5 Borlotti and 9 Mont D'or dwarf. I've put 2 or 3 at each location.

I've put the sweet peas in - some on the front bed and the rest on daughter's bed at the back of the bottom allotment.

At home in the raised beds the peas are doing well (I've protected them with netting now after I lost 3 to the birds!). The carrots and mixed salad have both germinated.

The first 8 tomatoes are now in the greehouse (Sungold, Tigerella and a black variety). I need to clear the bed on the other side of the path before I put the rest in.

I've also sowed some pumpkin, butternut squah, a different variety of squash, sunstripe courgette and some bedding flowers. I've now run out of compost - need more soon.....

Sunday, 13 April 2014

12 April - Another 40 spuds in

Went up on my bike Saturday morning with another 40 spuds wrapped in bubble wrap in my back pack! I've put them in the front bed on the top allotment. I had to dig up a row of leeks to make room for the fourth row.

I've also spent a bit of time weeding the empty raised beds on the bottom allotment and took the opportunity to tidy the shed up a bit. Next time I have to go in the car I've got a fair bit of rubbish to get rid of. There were a few early potatoes showing through under the glass panels so I've earthed them up and raised the panels so the foliage doesn't touch the glass.
I also dug up a few more parsnips.
At home I've now re-done the raised beds in the back garden and added about 90L of fresh compost. This was followed by a row of peas which I put along the back of both beds. In the remaining area of one bed I sowed 4 rows of carrots (3 different varieties) and in half of the other one I sowed some mixed salad. I've left an area for further sowings to try and stagger them.
The tomatoes are coming on well and need putting into pots now. The red cabbage are doing ok as are the leeks and the peppers have germinated but are still pretty small. I'm going to sow some more peas in newspaper pots to add to the ones I have left to put in at plot. The sweet peas are looking great - I've pinched the tops out of them.
I've just got 20+ potatoes (Desiree) to put in now.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Forced Rhubarb on April Fools Day

An evening visit to the plot saw me take a peek under the upturned water butt on top of the rhubarb and I was rewarded with a lovely crop.

I took one from each crown and I've removed the butt now to let it grow normally.