Sunday, 29 March 2015

Jan to March - a bit behind!

I'm a bit behind this year as I've been busy with setting up the new greenhouse and a raised patio area at home but there has been some activity at the plot!

The first early potatoes went in under glass earlier on March 6th

and I pulled up a few leeks which I used in leek & potato soup

Spent some time in the greenhouse this weekend potting on the tomatoes I sowed a few weeks ago (Sungold and Golden Sunrise). I also sowed some more tomatoes (Indigo rose and Tigerella) and some bell peppers, red cabbage, marigolds, cornflowers and sunflowers. These are all in the conservatory at the moment until it warms up a bit. The aubergines I sowed at the same time as the tomatoes have germinated but are still very small.