Tuesday, 3 May 2011

2 May 2011

Had 4 days off so went up to lottie on Fri, Sat, Sun and Mon at around 7:30 for a couple of hours each time.
Have nearly bottomed all the weeds on both top and bottom 1/2 allotments in preparation for planting later this month.
I have put fleece all round the first earlies I have under glass as I can't earth these up any more, they are around 18 inches high! I earthed up the other bed of earlies that went in later.

At home awaiting planting I have:
In greenhouse -
Peas, Sweetcorn and loads of different flowers.
Runner Beans

In conservatory -
Peppers (Cayenne and Tabasco)
Butternut Squash
Giant Pumpkins
Dwarf and French Beans
Aubergines (these will go in the greenhouse)

I put a small row of beetroot in (Chioggia Pink - apparently it's orange-pink on the outside with an appealing bullseye combination of rosy-red and white on the inside, which fades to soft pink when cooked).
Also put a row of spicy salad leaves in.
Pulled up the remaining leeks (sauted some of them last night and froze). I put 1 row of new leeks in (2 rows was too many last year! I used some plastic piping for some of the leeks and it worked really well at blanching the stems - some of them were about 9 inches of white.
Put some sweet peas in on a wigwam.
The parsnips and carrots have started.
The shallots are doing really well and all the onions seem to have taken.

In the greenhouse at home the tomatoes are doing well - all have first sets of flowers and I have planted the 2 cucumber plants on mounds.
Had some rhubarb that I had forced under a bucket and it was lovely - not sour at all

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