Monday, 17 October 2011

October 16th

Had 2 and a bit hours on the plot this morning.
I dug up the last of the Cara and desiree and cut the pumpkins and butternut squash off.
Got a load more radish and probably the last of the Cobra beans (these have been really good!).
Picked some more Chioggia beetroot and took 3 punnets of tomatoes off the outdoor plants.

I seem to have way too many salad leaves (got another bag full) but I suppose it'll be a good green manure if I don't crop it all!
The Hungarian grazing rye is growing well - I will dig this in next spring.

Remaining crops:
Salad - various types
Pak Choi
Purple Sprouting Broccoli

It's been a pretty good crop this year!

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