Sunday, 17 June 2012

17 June

Went up on my bike on a sunny father's day, got to the plot for 08:15.

Had a load of weeds to start tackling.

Hoed for ages round the squash, pumpkins and courgettes and removed the fleece barrier. It seems to have done the trick as they look ok apart from a few yellowish leaves.

Then spent a while hoeing around the main crop potatoes and raking up the ridges.

Hand weeded round the fennel, onions, parsnips and beetroot but there's loads more to do. Had a quick hoe round the second earlies at the far end of the plot but didn't have time to ridge them up or remove the chopped off weeds.

On the bottom allotment, daughter's area is a bit of a jungle - I'll have to tackle this soon!

Picked a few broad beans - had these in an omelette for lunch with some stored red onions and free range eggs (donated by some friends).

Also picked some spicy salad leaves and radish which we had later on with some new potatoes when both fathers (and mothers!) came round for a meal.

I felt like I'd achieved quite a lot in the 3 hours I was on the plot on Sunday.

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