Monday, 31 December 2012

21 & 31 December

21 December Spent a bit of time on the bottom plot, tidying up the front bed, pruning raspberries, weeding, etc. I took a before and after photo!



I pruned the autumn raspberries at the back of the plot as well and weeded one of the beds at the back and covered up the rhubarb crown to do a bit of forcing, worked well last year.

31 December

Bottom allotment looking ok - straightened up / repositioned the onion sets, the birds had popped a few out!

I didn't think I'd make it to the plot again this year but the rain stopped so I went to get some parsnips and leeks this afternoon from the top plot for a roast dinner on New year's Day:

The green manure is growing pretty well on the top allotment. My seed broadcasting probably could have been better!:

Overall, top allotment looking a lot tidier now, ready for 2013:

There's still a few leeks and plenty of parsnips left, here's hoping for a better crop next year...

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