Tuesday, 20 May 2014

20 May - Another rubbish weather forecast and We're Only Making Plants for Nigel

Forecast was for thunder and heavy rain, we got 20 seconds!

Biked up to the plot this evening to water. Managed to weed the other row of parsnips or should I say parsnip, there was only 1 in the whole row amongst the weeds. Oh well the other row will have to do.
Earthed up main crop on top allotment - not enough soil to completely cover them all

Also managed to prepare the sweetcorn bed on the bottom allotment

and earth up the main crop potatoes again, they seem to be shooting up fast now.

Back at home I pricked out some Mesembryanthemum (Livingstone Daisies) in the greenhouse for a chap at work, it reminded me of an old XTC song "We're only making plants for Nigel"

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