Sunday, 17 August 2014

Early August - harvesting and weeding

Continuing to harvest and weed. I'd asked my mum to pick some courgettes while we were away but she got carried away with the weeding and forgot - result - more massive courgettes. I handed some out to the neighbours and took some to work!

I also had a go at baking - this Lemon Courgette cake was excellent and a good way of using some of them up.

Still pulling up carrots, picking runner and dwarf beans, pulling up the remaining onions and strung them up in the shed at home

The pumpkins are doing really well - they seem to be much further ahead this year. This one isn't the biggest but is changing colour already!

The squashes, sweetcorn and leeks are all looking good.

The Swiss chard on the bottom allotment is doing nicely. I've sown some late pak choi and mizuna on the top allotment

Pulled up a Chioggia Beetroot and had it as one of the veg roasted - delicious!

I've finally dug up all the early potatoes, there was a few more than I was expecting!

There was some slug damage to some of the spuds and about 6 had been decimated by something - what has caused this? It has been a bit wet the last 2 weeks

At home the carrots are great - decent size, no root fly and no extra legs or blemishes - much easier to peel! The black tomato and the striped tigerella experiment has been a success - they are tasty too!

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