Tuesday 16 June 2015

It's warming up at last and been busy on the plot! 16 June 2015

We're approaching the longest day already and it's warmed up a bit. I've been digging up more of the Rocket early potatoes. Another 3 roots this evening making 21 so far with only 3 left to go in that bed (plus one in youngest daughter's area) then it'll be on to the Abbott bed which will hopefully be ready for lifting!

I'm obviously biased but they are really tasty.

The strawberries on the bottom allotment have started producing in abundance now - we picked 1.1 Kgs (2.3 lbs) on Sunday and I got another 635 grams (1.4 lbs) this evening and that's only counting the ones that actually made it home!

Also the aubergines and beans have recovered somewhat and the peas have started flowering. The sweetcorn is coming along nicely and the cabbage and brussel sprouts look healthy.

The strawberries on the top allotment (different variety) are ripening now. Everything is growing well but I still have some missing parsnips at the front.

I've been busy with the hoe but I need to properly weed the beetroot and parsnips behind the trees.

Back at home in the greenhouse, the tomatoes are now about 5ft (1.5m) tall and I've rigged up some wire to support them as they grow. There's quite a few tomatoes coming now, yippee! I'm amazed how much they've grown in a month.

The ones on the right have been 'encouraged' to grow through the staging!

Pepper plants have been potted now but they are still quite small.

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