My Butternut Squash and courgettes have started to appear on the conservatory windowsill. They've only taken a week but I'm about a week behind last year. It will probably work out fine as they got a bit of a frosting after I put them out last year towards the end of this month. No sign of the pumpkins yet.
I've put 8 Sungold tomatoes in on one side of the greenhouse at home and 4 Alicante on the other with the sweet potatoes (which are still alive but haven't done much yet!). The rest of the tomatoes I've grown have gone to work colleagues, neighbours and parents. I've still got some donated beef tomatoes to pot on (thanks NRG). The extra peas are doing well in the toilet roll tubes in an old wash basin and the sweetcorn are starting to come through now.
Down on the plot on the evening of Bank Holiday Monday it was watering time as it had been pretty sunny and warm. Gave the potatoes a really good soaking as some of the earlies had started to show through again. More earthing up! I've left the glass off now but may resort to fleece if frosts threaten.
There's a few carrots coming and the peas are starting in the raised beds on the bottom plot.
Also put a row of nasturtiums in next to the broad beans and a row of chioggia beetroot too in the same bed.

Daughter's area at the bottom is needing a fair amount of work - docks, dandelions, rampant rasberries all trying to take over - made a start on it.
I've got some asparagus spears ready for picking - yay!
On the top allotment, I've rigged up some poles for the beans near the front and chucked a load of compost in a quickly dug trench in front of the poles. I also prepped the bed at the back for the squashes, etc. I got about half a large trug of bindweed out of it - bound to be some left behind. I've covered some of the bed with an old carpet for now and will have another search for bindweed before planting later this month - horrible stuff!
The parsnips look like they have germinated but no sign of the main crop potatoes yet - early days!
I've put a row of a different variety of beetroot in - Detroit 2.

The salad leaves at the front are coming along nicely - baby leaves at the moment.
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