Monday, 29 April 2013

29 April - Better late than never!

At last I have sown some 'Sunstripe' F1 hybrid courgettes, 'Atlantic Giant' pumpkins and butternut squash (2 varieties - ' Waltham Butternut' Duchy Originals and 'Harrier' F1). I'm a bit behind last year due to the cold but there wasn't much point doing them earlier. I have also sown the sweetcorn. The peas which I did a couple of weeks ago in toilet roll inners in an old kitchen basin are starting to show their heads.

I spent a morning on the plot on Sunday and dug over the back bed on the top allotment where the beans and raspberries were. I've decided this will be the pumpkin, squash and courgette bed and I will move the runner/french/cobra beans to the front (note to self: sow some beans!).

Apart from the African Marigolds, I haven't done any flowers yet, lack of space hasn't helped either! I'll have to sow a few in a tray.

I've moved the leeks into the greehouse along with the peas and the sweetcorn to give the new stuff a chance to germinate.

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